Q How much does it cost to play for the Braves?

Each player is responsible for paying his pro rata share of budgeted team expenses. Generally, team budgets are split between a fall season and a spring/summer season. Cost for the fall season usually ranges from $1500 to $1800 per player depending on the team, age division, and number of events scheduled. Cost for the spring/summmer season ranges from $2500 to $3200 per player, again depending on team, age division and number of events scheduled.  All travel expenses (hotel, transportation, food, etc) are the responsibility of each player's family and are not included in the team budget.  Players who commit to playing both summer and fall receive a discount.  Payment plans are available  

Q What is the difference between Platinum, National, American and Showcase teams?

National and American Teams: The Braves college development program is anchored by our Braves National and American teams. National and American teams are designed to attract talented players with advanced skills and experience from across the country. National and American team players should clearly demonstrate the playing skills of a high Division I college prospect and/or potential draft pick. The teams compete in national championship events. Showcase Teams: The Braves Showcase teams are entry level teams designed primarily to serve Virginia based players who are new to high level showcase baseball and need additional time to develop advanced skills and gain experience. They are likely to be mid-level Division I and/or Division II or III college prospects. Showcase teams also appeal to families who prefer not to travel as extensively as the Braves other teams. Showcase teams participate in state and regional championships and events are in Virginia/NC. Active players on National, American and Showcase teams are invited to participate in all privately organized Braves scouting and showcase events as well as elite level instructional camps and clinics.

Q How do I determine the completion level, age division/graduation year that best fits when registering for a Braves tryout?

Please register for events according to your high school graduation year not your age eligibility. A player's team assignment will be based on many factors including graduation year, date of birth, size, experience and skill level.